My last entry was FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2008. Today's the end of March 2008.Its really a long time. Events and events have piled up in the memories of minds in these short months..weddings, fightings, lovings, and much more.
So I guess I need to updated my life even as I am suspecting people are long through reading this blog of mine, cos I haven't been updating. It's just one of those days when you just want to reveal just a tad bits of your life.
Firstly is work. This is nice year for work so far. I have been busy with my own shoots, which is kinda frequent as of these recent months. A lot of jobs, a lot of possibilities. More jobs are pilling in, but it wasn't like before, cos I am the driver now. My baby. I hope to really work harder to provide and save. Time is moving fast.
I am also at the same time comtemplating about a second career opportunity, of being a drum teacher. I recieve my text books of music theories on sunday. Thank you Iris for ever so supportive, thanks for the books! I guess this is pretty exciting for me too. I see this as a chance of pushing me forward to do the things I was afraid to do. I have been always using only my ears, now I want to use more for music. It might also be good chance for me to teach and meet more people. And hopefully hopefully hopefully.....make me a better drum teacher than before.....haha.
A nice student is embarking on the drumming journey again. It makes me happy to know that you want to give it a shot again. :)
I had so much fun practicing the string instruments with Ying. I have gotten a Vox amp and have been learning to do scalings. On the other hand I think she is pretty, pretty good on the chords and strummings. We had so much fun experimenting around, even though we are not quite there. It dawns to me, in regardless of good play or not, what most importantly is that we are happy to be sharing common interest of all sorts, ok maybe minus the wrestling and Taiwanese dramas....we do rock actually, relationship wise! But we do really yearn to be really good one day.....she will be the classical pianist with a good sense of rhythm guitar works, and i will play the drums, the bass and maybe some lead guitar! Now that will be ideal!
I am also looking forward to my lesson wih Jianrong. Really glad to have a bro like him to lead me in discipleship. Dunno how it will be
Fun filled life! And more to come.......