Not so this year.
All of sudden a flood of jobs rushed in thru my window. Flooding my everything, and everything. Haha! I am enjoying the fact that I am actually relishing my moment of busy-ness. And yes my business. So its been great for me, happily clicking away, both on the camera and my wacom tablet. Good old tablet, been with me for close to eight years now....never disappoints me.
Now splitting time for briadal fashion, and fashion/celebrities shoot. Aw, I am having so much fun with ppl, and my workload! I am gonna be so tired......but so glad that I didnt give up when I almost did.
My band.
Hardworking, dedicated, focus, talented, great people....mind you, all working class adults, not children or kids. I always think working adults who plays music will fade into the world of work-get married-settle down-have kids-die. I am so wrong, when I met these people, I almost felt ashame of myself. My self-proclaimed passionate in music speech has stop. What the hell have I doing these years? Hardworking in making music has another meaning.....passion comes with tear, blood, sweat and a little family love. And maybe a little red wine, at times for me.
Second recording is wrapping up, and we are prep for the next one. Which is gonna be a little tad bit, more difficult. I cant help but sense the band getting a little more progressive as time pass by. And that adds to our joy of playing as well. I have lesser fear in recording as compare to the second time, after the first time of stuck in the studio for drums for three hours. In fact I am so looking forward to it. I don't know if we are gonna include another guitarist who played with us last sat. I find it weird, maybe I am used to four piece. I mean, if Edmund comes in, we cant be Fantastice four liao le. He cant be Franklin Richards, cos he's older, and he definitely can be She-Hulk..cos I like She-Hulk, and he's enuff...wells....I think we might have to become Avengers liao loh....which is gonna be the next happening thing in marvel movies.....
Been hanging out with Josh many time lately. He is still that younger but kinda like older bro to me. And totally took care of me whenever we are out. We are constantly thirsty for good reasons. He is a good store supervisor so he talk alot, hence thirsty. I am a drummer, I drank like gallons of water. Hence, we are thirsty.
Anyways, he is still the best. He is always there not because I am handsome. Or I am charming, so will have alot of girls with me. Or I am rich, and pay for his drinks. Or have a laptop for him to use. Or I have millions of sneakers he can borrow or steal. Or I have a whole room of toys he can play with. Or because I plays music and have many instruments. Or because I have a beautiful girlfriend. It's just because he is my bro. Because he cares. That probably explains why I never bothered with his snore...I hate to hear ppl snore!!! Yet i am ok with he's.
I just gotten my two pairs of Yoshiki drumsticks from Japan!! Yay:)

Just want to close this blog with a nice song by 苏世民. It's a gospel chinese song, written by an ex drug convict. He wrote this after he accepted Christ into his life. Simple lyrics, lovely melody! And not to mention cool musical arrangements!
赞美你 耶和华 我们的天父
赞美你 赐下你的独生子耶稣
赞美你 耶和华 我们的天父
赞美你 赞美你 赞美你
感谢你 我救主 亲爱的耶稣
感谢你 这些日子以来的看顾
感谢你 我救主 亲爱的耶稣
感谢你 感谢你 感谢你
感谢圣灵 充满我心
神赐给我的一首诗歌。 ~ 苏世民