Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Weiyang came over to accompany me at work last night. The last time he came over to the studio was when he was doing attachement during university...and that was before I went back to church. We had the famous mixed vege rice the other time, we had porridge last night..
It's a great catching up session. I havent seen him in weeks. Cos I haven't been around for a while. Of cos we touched on the topics of problems in and out of church...well, all I can say is great lor. It's nice talkin to him, after awhile. I shared with him my band's situation, and how wonderful things have been lately for me, both work and music.
The kittens are growing, and fast learners too. They are learning to leap higher as the days goes by. Soon they will be all over me....irritatingly cute. I really hope i can persevere on in 'rearing' them. Cos it can be a bitch taking care of the shit. Well, thats the deal about having cats for pets, or any other pets...
Ivor is getting a Gibson Flying V, and he's gonna lend me. Rhea is getting an ESP Angel, and she's lending me too. Frankie can supply me with kitty food. Yes I am still getting all the attention from the band. I crave attention. I have to be frank and truthful about myself. That's actually my needs. Haha!
Playing bass for worship became a reality, but I decline due to my lack of skill. But still, thanks to Jianrong for believing. Not alot of people believe in me......here are the LIST of people and stuff who or which don't believing in me:
My turtles
My folks (I don't even think they understand which planet I am living in right now)
Some HDB dwelling people, 'friends'.
Bittergourds in life.
Beer, cos I cant hold them.
Rich asses.
People with 'wonderous' ideas.
People who stays in the present but lives in the past.
Whatever. Yes....i hear that in your head.
Time runs out on you eventually, what are you gonna do about your life?
Thanks to Ruicheng for the kittens. Too bad he can't keep them.
I cant speak to you in this way, and I cant behave in that way. If there are messages in my actions, its meant for everyone, not just you.
It's a great catching up session. I havent seen him in weeks. Cos I haven't been around for a while. Of cos we touched on the topics of problems in and out of church...well, all I can say is great lor. It's nice talkin to him, after awhile. I shared with him my band's situation, and how wonderful things have been lately for me, both work and music.
The kittens are growing, and fast learners too. They are learning to leap higher as the days goes by. Soon they will be all over me....irritatingly cute. I really hope i can persevere on in 'rearing' them. Cos it can be a bitch taking care of the shit. Well, thats the deal about having cats for pets, or any other pets...
Ivor is getting a Gibson Flying V, and he's gonna lend me. Rhea is getting an ESP Angel, and she's lending me too. Frankie can supply me with kitty food. Yes I am still getting all the attention from the band. I crave attention. I have to be frank and truthful about myself. That's actually my needs. Haha!
Playing bass for worship became a reality, but I decline due to my lack of skill. But still, thanks to Jianrong for believing. Not alot of people believe in me......here are the LIST of people and stuff who or which don't believing in me:
My turtles
My folks (I don't even think they understand which planet I am living in right now)
Some HDB dwelling people, 'friends'.
Bittergourds in life.
Beer, cos I cant hold them.
Rich asses.
People with 'wonderous' ideas.
People who stays in the present but lives in the past.
Whatever. Yes....i hear that in your head.
Time runs out on you eventually, what are you gonna do about your life?
Thanks to Ruicheng for the kittens. Too bad he can't keep them.
I cant speak to you in this way, and I cant behave in that way. If there are messages in my actions, its meant for everyone, not just you.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
In most years, December is definitely the free-est of time.
Not so this year.
All of sudden a flood of jobs rushed in thru my window. Flooding my everything, and everything. Haha! I am enjoying the fact that I am actually relishing my moment of busy-ness. And yes my business. So its been great for me, happily clicking away, both on the camera and my wacom tablet. Good old tablet, been with me for close to eight years now....never disappoints me.
Now splitting time for briadal fashion, and fashion/celebrities shoot. Aw, I am having so much fun with ppl, and my workload! I am gonna be so tired......but so glad that I didnt give up when I almost did.
My band.
Hardworking, dedicated, focus, talented, great people....mind you, all working class adults, not children or kids. I always think working adults who plays music will fade into the world of work-get married-settle down-have kids-die. I am so wrong, when I met these people, I almost felt ashame of myself. My self-proclaimed passionate in music speech has stop. What the hell have I doing these years? Hardworking in making music has another meaning.....passion comes with tear, blood, sweat and a little family love. And maybe a little red wine, at times for me.
Second recording is wrapping up, and we are prep for the next one. Which is gonna be a little tad bit, more difficult. I cant help but sense the band getting a little more progressive as time pass by. And that adds to our joy of playing as well. I have lesser fear in recording as compare to the second time, after the first time of stuck in the studio for drums for three hours. In fact I am so looking forward to it. I don't know if we are gonna include another guitarist who played with us last sat. I find it weird, maybe I am used to four piece. I mean, if Edmund comes in, we cant be Fantastice four liao le. He cant be Franklin Richards, cos he's older, and he definitely can be She-Hulk..cos I like She-Hulk, and he's not.....green enuff...wells....I think we might have to become Avengers liao loh....which is gonna be the next happening thing in marvel movies.....
Been hanging out with Josh many time lately. He is still that younger but kinda like older bro to me. And totally took care of me whenever we are out. We are constantly thirsty for good reasons. He is a good store supervisor so he talk alot, hence thirsty. I am a drummer, I drank like gallons of water. Hence, we are thirsty.
Anyways, he is still the best. He is always there not because I am handsome. Or I am charming, so will have alot of girls with me. Or I am rich, and pay for his drinks. Or have a laptop for him to use. Or I have millions of sneakers he can borrow or steal. Or I have a whole room of toys he can play with. Or because I plays music and have many instruments. Or because I have a beautiful girlfriend. It's just because he is my bro. Because he cares. That probably explains why I never bothered with his snore...I hate to hear ppl snore!!! Yet i am ok with he's.
I just gotten my two pairs of Yoshiki drumsticks from Japan!! Yay:)

Just want to close this blog with a nice song by 苏世民. It's a gospel chinese song, written by an ex drug convict. He wrote this after he accepted Christ into his life. Simple lyrics, lovely melody! And not to mention cool musical arrangements!
赞美你 耶和华 我们的天父
赞美你 赐下你的独生子耶稣
赞美你 耶和华 我们的天父
赞美你 赞美你 赞美你
感谢你 我救主 亲爱的耶稣
感谢你 这些日子以来的看顾
感谢你 我救主 亲爱的耶稣
感谢你 感谢你 感谢你
感谢圣灵 充满我心
神赐给我的一首诗歌。 ~ 苏世民
Not so this year.
All of sudden a flood of jobs rushed in thru my window. Flooding my everything, and everything. Haha! I am enjoying the fact that I am actually relishing my moment of busy-ness. And yes my business. So its been great for me, happily clicking away, both on the camera and my wacom tablet. Good old tablet, been with me for close to eight years now....never disappoints me.
Now splitting time for briadal fashion, and fashion/celebrities shoot. Aw, I am having so much fun with ppl, and my workload! I am gonna be so tired......but so glad that I didnt give up when I almost did.
My band.
Hardworking, dedicated, focus, talented, great people....mind you, all working class adults, not children or kids. I always think working adults who plays music will fade into the world of work-get married-settle down-have kids-die. I am so wrong, when I met these people, I almost felt ashame of myself. My self-proclaimed passionate in music speech has stop. What the hell have I doing these years? Hardworking in making music has another meaning.....passion comes with tear, blood, sweat and a little family love. And maybe a little red wine, at times for me.
Second recording is wrapping up, and we are prep for the next one. Which is gonna be a little tad bit, more difficult. I cant help but sense the band getting a little more progressive as time pass by. And that adds to our joy of playing as well. I have lesser fear in recording as compare to the second time, after the first time of stuck in the studio for drums for three hours. In fact I am so looking forward to it. I don't know if we are gonna include another guitarist who played with us last sat. I find it weird, maybe I am used to four piece. I mean, if Edmund comes in, we cant be Fantastice four liao le. He cant be Franklin Richards, cos he's older, and he definitely can be She-Hulk..cos I like She-Hulk, and he's not.....green enuff...wells....I think we might have to become Avengers liao loh....which is gonna be the next happening thing in marvel movies.....
Been hanging out with Josh many time lately. He is still that younger but kinda like older bro to me. And totally took care of me whenever we are out. We are constantly thirsty for good reasons. He is a good store supervisor so he talk alot, hence thirsty. I am a drummer, I drank like gallons of water. Hence, we are thirsty.
Anyways, he is still the best. He is always there not because I am handsome. Or I am charming, so will have alot of girls with me. Or I am rich, and pay for his drinks. Or have a laptop for him to use. Or I have millions of sneakers he can borrow or steal. Or I have a whole room of toys he can play with. Or because I plays music and have many instruments. Or because I have a beautiful girlfriend. It's just because he is my bro. Because he cares. That probably explains why I never bothered with his snore...I hate to hear ppl snore!!! Yet i am ok with he's.
I just gotten my two pairs of Yoshiki drumsticks from Japan!! Yay:)

Just want to close this blog with a nice song by 苏世民. It's a gospel chinese song, written by an ex drug convict. He wrote this after he accepted Christ into his life. Simple lyrics, lovely melody! And not to mention cool musical arrangements!
赞美你 耶和华 我们的天父
赞美你 赐下你的独生子耶稣
赞美你 耶和华 我们的天父
赞美你 赞美你 赞美你
感谢你 我救主 亲爱的耶稣
感谢你 这些日子以来的看顾
感谢你 我救主 亲爱的耶稣
感谢你 感谢你 感谢你
感谢圣灵 充满我心
神赐给我的一首诗歌。 ~ 苏世民
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Some works.......and words.
Elyzia is planning to finish their second demo recording. My second attempt to 'proper' recording. And more I did learn from this attempt.....not going into the details about my lessons/recording......if any musician really want to improve, i do highly suggest doing some recording. U will enjoy this journey. Music is not mediocre.
Some pics.

Some pics.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
上帝有情,人生有望 (Day 6)
Want to share this song today.
We had practice today, and some bit of recording. We practice a medley which also consist of this song called 上帝有情,人生有望.
Lovely lyrics, and melody. Just to share. It touches me much.
Listen to it:
We had practice today, and some bit of recording. We practice a medley which also consist of this song called 上帝有情,人生有望.
Lovely lyrics, and melody. Just to share. It touches me much.
Listen to it:
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Need To Be In Love

The hardest thing I've ever done is keep believing
There's someone in this crazy world for me
The way that people come and go through temporary lives
My chance could come and I might never know
I used to say "No promises, let's keep it simple"
But freedom only helps you say goodbye
It took a while for me to learn that nothing comes for free
The price I paid is high enough for me
* I know I need to be in love
I know I've wasted too much time
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that's what I'll find
+ So here I am with pockets full of good intentions
But none of them will comfort me tonight
I'm wide awake at 4 a.m. without a friend in sight
I'm hanging on a hope but I'm all right
Day 5
The end of 4th day, the beginning of 5th day.
Additional players to the band, Xinglong on the bass and Kairen on guitar. Thanks to them for helping.
I lost track of the songs we have completed or not complete. Completely confuse of situations and timeline. But thanks to Charis, all is being noted. We did 3rd and 4th day at T21. Alot of guitar and bass tracks are not complete. I think Charis and myself have 2 more songs to do, and a few more with her alone and a few with Siyang. Weiyang was really fast on his own basslines and guitar, and guitar fill ins. The pro that he is. Swiftness is his game.
I was reading the timetable. Can faint!
Energy running low. Kaisiong isnt around anymore. Charis is sick. Siyang is asleep beside me. I am blogging.
2 more days til sunday. Dont think can complete leh.....
I am scare to sing. For the first time in my life.
Additional players to the band, Xinglong on the bass and Kairen on guitar. Thanks to them for helping.
I lost track of the songs we have completed or not complete. Completely confuse of situations and timeline. But thanks to Charis, all is being noted. We did 3rd and 4th day at T21. Alot of guitar and bass tracks are not complete. I think Charis and myself have 2 more songs to do, and a few more with her alone and a few with Siyang. Weiyang was really fast on his own basslines and guitar, and guitar fill ins. The pro that he is. Swiftness is his game.
I was reading the timetable. Can faint!
Energy running low. Kaisiong isnt around anymore. Charis is sick. Siyang is asleep beside me. I am blogging.
2 more days til sunday. Dont think can complete leh.....
I am scare to sing. For the first time in my life.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Day 2
Another busy day. Went back to CityMusic as we dunno how to operate the new recording device we bought the day before.
The first day is filled with challenges. Taught Charis some snare drum technique using the new snare drum. She seems to enjoy it :) The Tone Port dun seem to work. Its the first time we are handling all these, hence we are quite ignorant to the ways of recording machine. Never get to do any decent recordings, but we did segmentise the way we want to do the songs. Alot of singing was done, Charis and me really uses our voice. Initially abit awkward lah, but soon we are reminded we are doing this for God. Long day. Finish around eleven. Really tired. By the time I hit the bed its ard 1 plus.
Planned to meet Siyang at 10:30am, and I was suppose to morning call him at 9:30am, instead I overslept. By the time we met up its already coming to 12 noon. Spent some time at CityMusic and fortunately a staff, who uses a mac for his own recording, reintroduce Garage Band! Great! We are thankful man! Garage Band seems a whole lot easier. Siyang and I are learning new stuff.
Kena ERP without my cashcard in the IU. Sianz. Some more 50cent nia.
Picked Charis up at her place at three. Her sis said there's another girl in the group. she is referring to me. :-0 haha!!
Picked Kaisiong up at 4. He still look boy boy in the uniform lah. He look tired.
We recording two songs today, with Jieying joining us after 7pm. She helped out in the keyboard. She is surprsingly fast and effective in the keys. Really chuan after a few rounds of continuos recording. Singing is really hard. But I think Charis and myself are quite satisfied with what we recording towards the end. Kaisiong's really got long breath. I see he blow the flute, I cant help but feel very 'chuan'. He did really well. Esp the opening for Kan Wa Aey Chiu. It sounds like some other wind instrument.
Siyang had tution class at my place, during recording.
I took 2 polaroids: one Kai(little bro) and Charis(Da Jie), one Siyang(uncle) instructing. I would like to have many more to photo journalise the whole recording affair!
Really tired now. Gonna sleep now.
Tomorrow's another busy day. Stay tune.
The first day is filled with challenges. Taught Charis some snare drum technique using the new snare drum. She seems to enjoy it :) The Tone Port dun seem to work. Its the first time we are handling all these, hence we are quite ignorant to the ways of recording machine. Never get to do any decent recordings, but we did segmentise the way we want to do the songs. Alot of singing was done, Charis and me really uses our voice. Initially abit awkward lah, but soon we are reminded we are doing this for God. Long day. Finish around eleven. Really tired. By the time I hit the bed its ard 1 plus.
Planned to meet Siyang at 10:30am, and I was suppose to morning call him at 9:30am, instead I overslept. By the time we met up its already coming to 12 noon. Spent some time at CityMusic and fortunately a staff, who uses a mac for his own recording, reintroduce Garage Band! Great! We are thankful man! Garage Band seems a whole lot easier. Siyang and I are learning new stuff.
Kena ERP without my cashcard in the IU. Sianz. Some more 50cent nia.
Picked Charis up at her place at three. Her sis said there's another girl in the group. she is referring to me. :-0 haha!!
Picked Kaisiong up at 4. He still look boy boy in the uniform lah. He look tired.
We recording two songs today, with Jieying joining us after 7pm. She helped out in the keyboard. She is surprsingly fast and effective in the keys. Really chuan after a few rounds of continuos recording. Singing is really hard. But I think Charis and myself are quite satisfied with what we recording towards the end. Kaisiong's really got long breath. I see he blow the flute, I cant help but feel very 'chuan'. He did really well. Esp the opening for Kan Wa Aey Chiu. It sounds like some other wind instrument.
Siyang had tution class at my place, during recording.
I took 2 polaroids: one Kai(little bro) and Charis(Da Jie), one Siyang(uncle) instructing. I would like to have many more to photo journalise the whole recording affair!
Really tired now. Gonna sleep now.
Tomorrow's another busy day. Stay tune.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I had a hectic day today. But I am glad cos I see the providence of God and His miraculous works in people's life.
Let me begin in my 'new' CG;
I joined the '82s for Cg two weeks ago. We went to the new Hort Park to venture the new link park thingy. It was raining and at one point the rain is really heavy. We were drenched. Thankfully most of us had umbrellas! Some fell because of slippery ground. I think we all had great and good fun. We ended the CG with dinner at Vivo's foodcourt. The prawn mee is good, I can feel my stomach rumbling now. After that Charis amd myself went to Yishyan's farewell gathering at WEC. A really eventful day.

I joined thier CG again yesterday. I admit I have some reservation about attending cos I didnt really inform, except Charis and Siyang invited me. But I trust in the lord and I went. Upon reaching T21, Prime Cars was releasin some colourful balloons up to the sky, I dunno why, but this appears to me to be a covenant from God. Promises of God. I went so I am blessed. I was awe-struck and I relish on God's beautiful promises. As usual i enjoy CG. And I did share this experience with Charis and some others. I think its also a very special event cos it's Ryan's first CG with 82, and Kaiwei was there!
Today we had our first meeting for the 'Siyang project'! We are committing the whole of next week for recording. The four of us, Siyang, Bihua, Kaisiong and myself had a nice time sharing and going through all the details. We are actually running out of time but we are thankful for we can serve. So ppl please pray for us!
Recording is gonna start tomorrow. This is exciting. All the hokkien songs we have to learn, all the chords and noted we have to practice, all the time we are gonna spend, this is indeed better than many things!
I will continue to blog on our progress. And if I can find time, describe more on the nature of the project itself.
I want to thank Kaiwei, for she wishes me Happy Teachers' Day.
Her message:
Shifu! Sorry i forgot to bring ur teachers day card! Haha but ur not forgotten for being the best shifu on earth ya! Haha happy teacher's day :):)
Thank you for remembering Tudi. Really appreciate it.
I will continue to update! Please pray for us! Pray for the old folks we are trying to reach out to!
I had a hectic day today. But I am glad cos I see the providence of God and His miraculous works in people's life.
Let me begin in my 'new' CG;
I joined the '82s for Cg two weeks ago. We went to the new Hort Park to venture the new link park thingy. It was raining and at one point the rain is really heavy. We were drenched. Thankfully most of us had umbrellas! Some fell because of slippery ground. I think we all had great and good fun. We ended the CG with dinner at Vivo's foodcourt. The prawn mee is good, I can feel my stomach rumbling now. After that Charis amd myself went to Yishyan's farewell gathering at WEC. A really eventful day.

I joined thier CG again yesterday. I admit I have some reservation about attending cos I didnt really inform, except Charis and Siyang invited me. But I trust in the lord and I went. Upon reaching T21, Prime Cars was releasin some colourful balloons up to the sky, I dunno why, but this appears to me to be a covenant from God. Promises of God. I went so I am blessed. I was awe-struck and I relish on God's beautiful promises. As usual i enjoy CG. And I did share this experience with Charis and some others. I think its also a very special event cos it's Ryan's first CG with 82, and Kaiwei was there!
Today we had our first meeting for the 'Siyang project'! We are committing the whole of next week for recording. The four of us, Siyang, Bihua, Kaisiong and myself had a nice time sharing and going through all the details. We are actually running out of time but we are thankful for we can serve. So ppl please pray for us!
Recording is gonna start tomorrow. This is exciting. All the hokkien songs we have to learn, all the chords and noted we have to practice, all the time we are gonna spend, this is indeed better than many things!
I will continue to blog on our progress. And if I can find time, describe more on the nature of the project itself.
I want to thank Kaiwei, for she wishes me Happy Teachers' Day.
Her message:
Shifu! Sorry i forgot to bring ur teachers day card! Haha but ur not forgotten for being the best shifu on earth ya! Haha happy teacher's day :):)
Thank you for remembering Tudi. Really appreciate it.
I will continue to update! Please pray for us! Pray for the old folks we are trying to reach out to!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Elysian Fields
In a short couple of months, the add-ons in life seem tremendous. I have been juggling with some of unfamiliar stuff. And some familiar ones too.
I have missed blogging some major events of the year. I will let all that past, knowing I did enjoy the process and time.
Something killed the old band. People, time, things that happened, relationship. Things are not the same. Different ideas, different directions. Different people.
Work has been very complexly flexible. It's really scary.
The idea of running around everyday...freetime with a clause, seems unreal. At the end of the day will i bring substantiall dough back home.
Some symphonic names: Joe. Flamethrower Buddy. Bowel. Drums. Tudi( thanks for the strat pencil sharpener!). JOY.
The 'Siyang project' is due for recording this week. Let's see if anything special comes out of it. This one brings about an interest in classical acoustic. And truly has been very inspirational by far. Musically, I have been on a rollercoster ride for years. I lost alot of myself, but also did gain some new 'self', if you will. This one is has back to basic, down to earth kind of vibe around it. I really find great aesthetic pleasure in it. May God be glorify.
I have not answers to ad for bands all these years, actually I did once, but didn't went for the audition.
Found a band which does covers. Crossing my fingers as I am not sure what I am getting into. Seems like a motley crew to me. I do hope I find the right one. We will see.
Last but not least, let's welcome the newest addition to my barrage of instruments. The elusive Drums itself.
Pearl target series, with two add on toms, a 7 piece beauty. Wine red, happens to be my fav colour at this point. Tons of hardware and cymbals. And the terror of the corridor....! *Thunder*
I have missed blogging some major events of the year. I will let all that past, knowing I did enjoy the process and time.
Something killed the old band. People, time, things that happened, relationship. Things are not the same. Different ideas, different directions. Different people.
Work has been very complexly flexible. It's really scary.
The idea of running around everyday...freetime with a clause, seems unreal. At the end of the day will i bring substantiall dough back home.
Some symphonic names: Joe. Flamethrower Buddy. Bowel. Drums. Tudi( thanks for the strat pencil sharpener!). JOY.
The 'Siyang project' is due for recording this week. Let's see if anything special comes out of it. This one brings about an interest in classical acoustic. And truly has been very inspirational by far. Musically, I have been on a rollercoster ride for years. I lost alot of myself, but also did gain some new 'self', if you will. This one is has back to basic, down to earth kind of vibe around it. I really find great aesthetic pleasure in it. May God be glorify.
I have not answers to ad for bands all these years, actually I did once, but didn't went for the audition.
Found a band which does covers. Crossing my fingers as I am not sure what I am getting into. Seems like a motley crew to me. I do hope I find the right one. We will see.
Last but not least, let's welcome the newest addition to my barrage of instruments. The elusive Drums itself.
Pearl target series, with two add on toms, a 7 piece beauty. Wine red, happens to be my fav colour at this point. Tons of hardware and cymbals. And the terror of the corridor....! *Thunder*
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Met up with this dear brother of mine two days ago. It has been close to two years since we last met up and talk, hence I think we are both awkward in the beginning. I decide to pour my heart out and share with him what's going on these years. I was glad we manage to break ice and eventually we talked until 2 in the morning. I was tired but it was nice to be able to rekindle a lost friendship, yet again. I was wondering if subconsciously I am trying to find back lost friends who shared much with me thru the years. All these years, all those bumpy rides, we lost some, and we definitely gain some. Truly I have already made out a list of people I would like to see, catch up.
Also I have come out with a list of brothers I want for my BIGDAY. Actually I have approached some of them. All respond with kind replies so far. I have found a planner, but I think he will be so busy. I have asked the best man. I know who to be in the band. I have kidnapped the photographer! It's gonna be a motley crew.
Eat healthily. Reminding myself.
Shoot sophisticatedly. Reminding myself.
sophisticated |səˌfɪstɪkeɪtɪd|
(of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity : highly sophisticated computer systems.
• (of a person or their thoughts, reactions, and understanding) aware of and able to interpret complex issues; subtle : discussion and reflection are necessary for a sophisticated response to a text.
• having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture : a chic, sophisticated woman | a young man with sophisticated tastes.
See note at urbane .
• appealing to people with such knowledge of experience
I pray for more jobs. It's been a quiet month.
Also I have come out with a list of brothers I want for my BIGDAY. Actually I have approached some of them. All respond with kind replies so far. I have found a planner, but I think he will be so busy. I have asked the best man. I know who to be in the band. I have kidnapped the photographer! It's gonna be a motley crew.
Eat healthily. Reminding myself.
Shoot sophisticatedly. Reminding myself.
sophisticated |səˌfɪstɪkeɪtɪd|
(of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity : highly sophisticated computer systems.
• (of a person or their thoughts, reactions, and understanding) aware of and able to interpret complex issues; subtle : discussion and reflection are necessary for a sophisticated response to a text.
• having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture : a chic, sophisticated woman | a young man with sophisticated tastes.
See note at urbane .
• appealing to people with such knowledge of experience
I pray for more jobs. It's been a quiet month.
Friday, June 13, 2008
I want to tell a story about a friend whom I thought I have lost, all these years.
We chanced upon each other one fine day, my reaction wasn't certain, I mean I haven't seen or talk to him for eons. But there he is. And our friendship pick up speed once again, killed by works, born again by works, and God. I was sure God wants me to speak to him, and I am glad he didn't siam me on that day. Since then, We have been working together more often than before, I prayed for a long standing friendship with this dude, and works doesn't come between us again, but help strengthen our friendship. Thanks for constant mention of me in your blog. I am touched :)
Here's the cool dude, Bowel Joe
(words by Tiger May)

His blog, do read.http://www.thepicturestory.blogspot.com/
Finally became an associate photog. Its been so long, so the 'promotion' comes as a surprise. And sudden. Now I will have to fight my way up yet again. Tooth to claw? But i am Michel, I will still be Michel. not matter how the world warps, my universe smells of greenery and flowers. Jobs, in this world was a means to get on with living. No excuse to slack, but to give our best and strive for excellence. But love one another lah........just have to try right:)
I am trying to reconcile with myself, and some of my peers. I learn that spoken words tends to draw quick like swords. The words of loved ones can be hurting, yet unknown the the owner of the lips. I wasn't the one quick to point out mistakes, but the proud owner of a dozen bottles fully filled with tension and complains, closed caps. I guess thats me and thats my problem. I didn't see this before. It's so confusing sometimes. Wells......
Hence the drums stop its roll, and the guitar gently weeps?
Speakin of guitar, hopefully no more for now....easily bought, hard to sell! The Ring can't wait no more.
Work work work...in any aspect, for the better of tomorrow, for friends, for loved ones. For my Father.
Some recent works.

We chanced upon each other one fine day, my reaction wasn't certain, I mean I haven't seen or talk to him for eons. But there he is. And our friendship pick up speed once again, killed by works, born again by works, and God. I was sure God wants me to speak to him, and I am glad he didn't siam me on that day. Since then, We have been working together more often than before, I prayed for a long standing friendship with this dude, and works doesn't come between us again, but help strengthen our friendship. Thanks for constant mention of me in your blog. I am touched :)
Here's the cool dude, Bowel Joe
(words by Tiger May)

His blog, do read.http://www.thepicturestory.blogspot.com/
Finally became an associate photog. Its been so long, so the 'promotion' comes as a surprise. And sudden. Now I will have to fight my way up yet again. Tooth to claw? But i am Michel, I will still be Michel. not matter how the world warps, my universe smells of greenery and flowers. Jobs, in this world was a means to get on with living. No excuse to slack, but to give our best and strive for excellence. But love one another lah........just have to try right:)
I am trying to reconcile with myself, and some of my peers. I learn that spoken words tends to draw quick like swords. The words of loved ones can be hurting, yet unknown the the owner of the lips. I wasn't the one quick to point out mistakes, but the proud owner of a dozen bottles fully filled with tension and complains, closed caps. I guess thats me and thats my problem. I didn't see this before. It's so confusing sometimes. Wells......
Hence the drums stop its roll, and the guitar gently weeps?
Speakin of guitar, hopefully no more for now....easily bought, hard to sell! The Ring can't wait no more.
Work work work...in any aspect, for the better of tomorrow, for friends, for loved ones. For my Father.
Some recent works.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Old at heart but I'm only 28
And I'm much too young
To let love break my heart
Young at heart but it's getting much too late
To find ourselves so far apart
Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait
When no one I know can seem to help me now
Old at heart but I musn't hesitate
If I'm to find my own way out
When I find out all the reasons
Maybe I'll find another way
Find another day
With all the changing seasons of my life
Maybe I'll get it right next time
I knew the storm was getting closer
And all my friends said I was high
But everything we've ever known's here
I never wanted it to die
And I'm much too young
To let love break my heart
Young at heart but it's getting much too late
To find ourselves so far apart
Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait
When no one I know can seem to help me now
Old at heart but I musn't hesitate
If I'm to find my own way out
When I find out all the reasons
Maybe I'll find another way
Find another day
With all the changing seasons of my life
Maybe I'll get it right next time
I knew the storm was getting closer
And all my friends said I was high
But everything we've ever known's here
I never wanted it to die
Monday, March 31, 2008
First Music Theory Lesson

I just had my first ever theory lesson on music.....quite extraordinary!!
We did time values and time signatures, which are the very basics of music theory. I am glad.
I want to blog about my daily lessons so as to remind myself to be consistent and steady and remain committed to this journey. I really think this is neat, and I felt like a 8 year old kid again. Cos my teacher is Miss Low. She is a sunday school teacher. Hence she treats me like a sunday school kid! I have to colour some crabs to identify the respective time values!! :) Thanks Miss Low.
Actually a bit draining lah, maybe due to my stress, cos I dread music notes and the dao gehs....! But this is it, no turning back!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
31st March 2008
My last entry was FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2008. Today's the end of March 2008.Its really a long time. Events and events have piled up in the memories of minds in these short months..weddings, fightings, lovings, and much more.
So I guess I need to updated my life even as I am suspecting people are long through reading this blog of mine, cos I haven't been updating. It's just one of those days when you just want to reveal just a tad bits of your life.
Firstly is work. This is nice year for work so far. I have been busy with my own shoots, which is kinda frequent as of these recent months. A lot of jobs, a lot of possibilities. More jobs are pilling in, but it wasn't like before, cos I am the driver now. My baby. I hope to really work harder to provide and save. Time is moving fast.
I am also at the same time comtemplating about a second career opportunity, of being a drum teacher. I recieve my text books of music theories on sunday. Thank you Iris for ever so supportive, thanks for the books! I guess this is pretty exciting for me too. I see this as a chance of pushing me forward to do the things I was afraid to do. I have been always using only my ears, now I want to use more for music. It might also be good chance for me to teach and meet more people. And hopefully hopefully hopefully.....make me a better drum teacher than before.....haha.
A nice student is embarking on the drumming journey again. It makes me happy to know that you want to give it a shot again. :)
I had so much fun practicing the string instruments with Ying. I have gotten a Vox amp and have been learning to do scalings. On the other hand I think she is pretty, pretty good on the chords and strummings. We had so much fun experimenting around, even though we are not quite there. It dawns to me, in regardless of good play or not, what most importantly is that we are happy to be sharing common interest of all sorts, ok maybe minus the wrestling and Taiwanese dramas....we do rock actually, relationship wise! But we do really yearn to be really good one day.....she will be the classical pianist with a good sense of rhythm guitar works, and i will play the drums, the bass and maybe some lead guitar! Now that will be ideal!
I am also looking forward to my lesson wih Jianrong. Really glad to have a bro like him to lead me in discipleship. Dunno how it will be like......fun.
Fun filled life! And more to come.......
So I guess I need to updated my life even as I am suspecting people are long through reading this blog of mine, cos I haven't been updating. It's just one of those days when you just want to reveal just a tad bits of your life.
Firstly is work. This is nice year for work so far. I have been busy with my own shoots, which is kinda frequent as of these recent months. A lot of jobs, a lot of possibilities. More jobs are pilling in, but it wasn't like before, cos I am the driver now. My baby. I hope to really work harder to provide and save. Time is moving fast.
I am also at the same time comtemplating about a second career opportunity, of being a drum teacher. I recieve my text books of music theories on sunday. Thank you Iris for ever so supportive, thanks for the books! I guess this is pretty exciting for me too. I see this as a chance of pushing me forward to do the things I was afraid to do. I have been always using only my ears, now I want to use more for music. It might also be good chance for me to teach and meet more people. And hopefully hopefully hopefully.....make me a better drum teacher than before.....haha.
A nice student is embarking on the drumming journey again. It makes me happy to know that you want to give it a shot again. :)
I had so much fun practicing the string instruments with Ying. I have gotten a Vox amp and have been learning to do scalings. On the other hand I think she is pretty, pretty good on the chords and strummings. We had so much fun experimenting around, even though we are not quite there. It dawns to me, in regardless of good play or not, what most importantly is that we are happy to be sharing common interest of all sorts, ok maybe minus the wrestling and Taiwanese dramas....we do rock actually, relationship wise! But we do really yearn to be really good one day.....she will be the classical pianist with a good sense of rhythm guitar works, and i will play the drums, the bass and maybe some lead guitar! Now that will be ideal!
I am also looking forward to my lesson wih Jianrong. Really glad to have a bro like him to lead me in discipleship. Dunno how it will be like......fun.
Fun filled life! And more to come.......
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
my days.....
hello hello. The week's about to come to an end. That's really fast. :)
Jieying's got a new job @ Jurong west area...so now have to adjust myself to the changes, so far not bad lah. Today's her first day @ work, heard it's rather a good environment. Thankful for her new workplace. Hopefully things are gonna stay good.
Lately I have been a DVD junkie. There are so many many many DVD series I wanted to collect and watch!! Stuff like Justice league Unlimited, the old G.I.Joe series, Beast Wars, Star Wars...oh yes and Shawn Michaels' Truimph & Heartbreak dvd! There's too many to name....I am gonna turn my room into a DVD library. Since it's already a toys attic, guitar parlour, CD store, art gallery, poster house, vintage tee museum, sneakers haven, oh yes, vintage Apple coms and vintage polaroid camera and record player's home!!! I think I will turn to collect vintage chandeliers in the near future....GASP!!
Thrill. Preparing. Abit slack, but still preparing. For the Trio Bass Solos!
JUBILEE has a new poster!

By the way, CNY just around the corner...check out my new hairstyle MAN!
Jieying's got a new job @ Jurong west area...so now have to adjust myself to the changes, so far not bad lah. Today's her first day @ work, heard it's rather a good environment. Thankful for her new workplace. Hopefully things are gonna stay good.
Lately I have been a DVD junkie. There are so many many many DVD series I wanted to collect and watch!! Stuff like Justice league Unlimited, the old G.I.Joe series, Beast Wars, Star Wars...oh yes and Shawn Michaels' Truimph & Heartbreak dvd! There's too many to name....I am gonna turn my room into a DVD library. Since it's already a toys attic, guitar parlour, CD store, art gallery, poster house, vintage tee museum, sneakers haven, oh yes, vintage Apple coms and vintage polaroid camera and record player's home!!! I think I will turn to collect vintage chandeliers in the near future....GASP!!
Thrill. Preparing. Abit slack, but still preparing. For the Trio Bass Solos!
JUBILEE has a new poster!

By the way, CNY just around the corner...check out my new hairstyle MAN!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Welcome 2008!
Work has started for a week now, so far so good.....can feel that Boss and me is trying to mend our relationship, hence I am giving it another half a year before I go. Staying for another 6 months not because he's nicer, but that's my plan cos I needed to save, as I have really big plans for the next 2 years. Flat needs money :)
2007 wraps with good meanings. The camp and the E.O are really nice ways to spent on holiday season. I think everyone who participated in these events are touched in ways. I feel that these events brought good vibes to usher in the new year. A new beginning.

Meanwhile, *handshake* 2008, *pats*2007..........dude, you may not be my good year, but we both tried right? :)
my first shoot for 2008.

Work has started for a week now, so far so good.....can feel that Boss and me is trying to mend our relationship, hence I am giving it another half a year before I go. Staying for another 6 months not because he's nicer, but that's my plan cos I needed to save, as I have really big plans for the next 2 years. Flat needs money :)
2007 wraps with good meanings. The camp and the E.O are really nice ways to spent on holiday season. I think everyone who participated in these events are touched in ways. I feel that these events brought good vibes to usher in the new year. A new beginning.

Meanwhile, *handshake* 2008, *pats*2007..........dude, you may not be my good year, but we both tried right? :)
my first shoot for 2008.

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