Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Met up with this dear brother of mine two days ago. It has been close to two years since we last met up and talk, hence I think we are both awkward in the beginning. I decide to pour my heart out and share with him what's going on these years. I was glad we manage to break ice and eventually we talked until 2 in the morning. I was tired but it was nice to be able to rekindle a lost friendship, yet again. I was wondering if subconsciously I am trying to find back lost friends who shared much with me thru the years. All these years, all those bumpy rides, we lost some, and we definitely gain some. Truly I have already made out a list of people I would like to see, catch up.

Also I have come out with a list of brothers I want for my BIGDAY. Actually I have approached some of them. All respond with kind replies so far. I have found a planner, but I think he will be so busy. I have asked the best man. I know who to be in the band. I have kidnapped the photographer! It's gonna be a motley crew.

Eat healthily. Reminding myself.

Shoot sophisticatedly. Reminding myself.

sophisticated |səˌfɪstɪkeɪtɪd|
(of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity : highly sophisticated computer systems.
• (of a person or their thoughts, reactions, and understanding) aware of and able to interpret complex issues; subtle : discussion and reflection are necessary for a sophisticated response to a text.
• having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture : a chic, sophisticated woman | a young man with sophisticated tastes.
See note at urbane .
• appealing to people with such knowledge of experience

I pray for more jobs. It's been a quiet month.


  1. hey hey hey!!! some blanks in between the guys tying the knot???!! when???

  2. Hey!

    We are tying the knot lie next year, and we are thinking if u guys can join us!! Haha!! We are looking around sept til nov.....havent fix yet...wull definitely update u guys!! How's Tim? :)

  3. Wow! That's fast! =)

    We MIGHT go back in will miss it. =)
