Need to blog about this. Relationship stuff.
Truly it's easy to get into a relationship not really understanding the significance and importance of being with another person. Some people take a whole lifetime to understand the true meaning of getting together. I hope i am not that person. I feel that its really really inportant to graps the true concept of getting together with someone, true concept being God's standards.
Many factors have to be considered. Trust, faith, commitment...understanding the other party's needs and to truly love one another in godly ways. Being there for the other person in the most undesirable times. Like-mindness.
I ponder and ponder. How many lessons to go to get prepared and equipped? Have i truly know how to lead and take care of that person? I guess i am not truly prepared yet. I need God's guidance and love, patience and endurance. Perserverance. It's scary sometimes. The situations i got myself into......when will it be the right time?
Sometimes things can be so grey.
Hopefully God shows the way. I need to depend on him for the courage to face whats to come. It's not going to be easy. It just not easy when u are lost in the crowd. Situations. I am beginning to think I might never be ready. But at least I know i must trust God for this, and do the right thing, make the right choice.
To the person who reads this. It's not easy. Never easy. This whirlwind ride. I hope to be silent for now, to let God speaks to me. To let God show me the way. I feel so squashed up. So drained and unworthy. So sinful and.......bad. I need God.
But, I also want to give thanks for the many wonderful things that happened as well. Truly in the midst of getting lost, God has been merciful and has been providing for me. I am continuing to give thanks, and truly learnt how to give thanks in good and bad times. I want to be a man who can lead his family one day, to be able to lead his wife. To be able to provide and to love deeply. To be able to give til the day when we see Him again.
This is a different experinece, and i am a different person. May God continue to show the way, to path the way.
I pray hard.
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