Saturday, July 8, 2006


Just can't fall asleep.

And I have to wake up early for church later. mind's full of Ying at this moment. I just can't fall asleep.

Went to her place for her bro's birthday the day before. Her mum invited me. I wasn't nervous, but more like excited to meet her family. I have met and talk to her mum when I just got back from my mission trip. She's a nice lady. According to Ying, she has been encouraging in our relationship. Many many thanks for this. Well, I think I just click with her siblings right away. They are friendly and warmth. I had fun with her bro playin monopoly, which is really cute. Met her daddy. Funny guy, full of humour. Had this wonderful sumptious dinner with the whole family. Her mum show me all her pics from baby time to now. She's just such sweet kid...beautiful kid. I am indeed fortunate to have her by my side. Somehow the pics make me love her even deeper. Sweet.....

Went to her place agin yesterday. Help her sort out some of her piano scores. She feel asleep while lazing on her couch. I was beside her when she rested. I just looked at her....every breath she exhale, every passing moment...i was in such a thankful state. I was mesmerise by her. Words can't describe.

She went for YF later and i waited for her. She went to CG today with me, after her own CG. I wanted to introduce her to my group. We had buffet somewhere at Killiney, and she was nervous abt meeting my bros and sis. Yupp i announce at the table..Jieying is my girlfriend! And of cos alot of questions were shoot for us to answer....haha...Serene ask abt what physical part attracts us to each other...and our answers are, our eyes. Yes I love her eyes, and she love mine too.

Mu heart was filled with what had happened the past 2 days. I have took some of her pics home, a suggestion from her mum. Haha...gonna scan them and do something special and nice. Maybe a section of my room will be dedicated to her and our much has happened...I am really at lost of words. Just plain happy. So in love with this person. And I know, she loves me as much. Thank God for giving me such a gentle and beautiful person whom i can share my life with.

God, gave us peace. Guide us along. Help us in this walk. Be with us every moment. Teach us the right things. Let us have you in this relationship. We need You.

Jieying, my love, thank you.

( I better sleep now, or else I will be late for church later!!)

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