Monday, May 8, 2006

Timetable and Programs

Its been a busy week.

Felt so drained and tired. But not in a negative way. Been spending alot of time with frens...old and new. Ok i think i shall make this entry an 'eventful' one, Yijie thanks for reminding me that my blog is not 'eventful' enuff..haha!

sunday..went out with Wenjun, Jieying and Yuhang after service. Stayed out rather late. Tired but fun. And different.

monday...slack, sleep...zzzzzzzzz Jieying to give wenjun a surprise @ her werkplaceas its her first day @ werk.

wed...jamming with the crew. new friends join us...Jieying and Kaien. Yijie got improvements again.

thurs.....went out with Bihua, had a really nice dinner with her. Shared alot of things. Sent her home. Come home late.

Fri...practice @ T21. Had supper with Yixiang and Yijie. Sent Yijie home.

Sat...woke up late, booked air tix for Mission trip after Yijie confirms she's goin. Went to meet Bihua for SMU Yearbook project. Had a great time. went to CG..went home early. service..went out with Wenjun, Liying, Kaien, Jieying, Yijie and Xinglong. shopping @ Orchard. Had dinner with Yijie and Xinglong(thanks bro for the treat) @ Fish n Co. Meet a friend after that...come home late... Jieying, then Yijie for dinner @ Wenjun's workplace. Had supper with them. Took train home with Yijie.

Guys its been fun hangin out with u guys.....i have never hang out like that..perhap I am getting old liao...haha cannot keep up! Thanks!!

9th May Tues 1:20am

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